Welcome to my store



I'm Sarah and I am the founder of Sarah's Gift Tree. I have been married for 30 years and we have a beautiful boy Finley, who is speeding towards his teens.

What can I tell you about me?

I love gifts and I've always wanted my own gift shop!

I love choosing and buying gifts for people. I even love wrapping them and making them look pretty. There is something really special about finding a gift for a friend or loved one, whether for a special occasion, or just to let them know you care.

I love people and talking to people about the gifts they are looking for.

Sarah's Gift Tree is a combination of hand crafted gifts, trinkets and jewellery. These include 3D Lego Box frames which can be made bespoke to order. I also make nappy cakes, perfect for baby showers and new babies.


Please don’t hesitate to get in touch, happy shopping.

Kind regards,
